Thursday, November 12, 2009


I haven't posted in a few weeks, so this is just a little update. I've been uber busy with school. I have a big presentation this upcoming week, a long paper due at the end of the term, and a massive mock grant proposal also due at the end of the term. Let's all say together: F-U-N! Not really. Oh and on top of that, I have to start my thesis. DUN DUN DUUUUUHN. Fingers crossed that I can be done in May!

Ok that's all I can say right now because I really should start working on my presentation. Oh and I'm homesick for Iran & L.A.

That's all Folks!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Every few weeks I get really homesick. I miss Iran so much my heart aches. I physically feel it. In my dreams I've just landed in Tehran and I'm getting into my grandpa's old Peykan. And it's 2 a.m. and we drive by the Azadi tower. And I take a deep breath in. And it's home. I am home.

Friday, October 16, 2009


My always amazing brother is letting me borrow his awesome Sony camera so I can start up my new hobby (photography). I am so excited and I'm so grateful!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy! I can't wait to get it so I can capture the beauty of Autumn:)

*doing a happy dance*

Also, my mom's friend just spotted the trench coat that I have wanted to get but no one had, and is buying it for me.

I am so blessed and feel so loved. Thank you World!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Much Better

I got the homework/take-home midterm that I was procrastinating on done today. ALL OF IT! I feel relieved, like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. Now I just have two long papers to read for class tomorrow... =)

In other news, I've barely done any wedding planning the past couple of months. Well, except for booking the videographer. And I'm so psyched we got him. I am sure he's gonna do a great job. I was just so surprised by his price and quality because no other videographer had caught my eye like that. In fact, I was dreading finding a videographer and paying him/her money to make a mediocre video.

We still need to figure out tons of things...
-hotel rooms
etc etc etc etc etc...

At least I've got my dress, veil, accessories, and shoes all done. Oh and how could I forget... my make-up trial is coming up!!! I am driving about an hour and a half to see her. So hopefully she's all I'm hoping for.

Ok gotta read the papers.

Monday, October 12, 2009

I dreamed a dream

Have you ever had one of those weird dreams that leave you pondering their meaning?

Last night I dreamt that J and I were house-hunting and we came upon this beautiful old house. Once inside, the real estate agent was adamant that we buy this house now. But as we walked from room to room the house began turning into a haunted mansion... spiderwebs, old skeletons, paint falling off the walls.

If I were a dream interpreter I would say that my excitement over house-hunting and Halloween have gotten the best of me.
Sweet Dreams.


Aren't always necessary. But I will say a few things, for the curious.

*My friend Michelle's blog inspired me to make one (Thanks Michelle!)
*I'm not sure how much time I will be spending on here, but maybe I'll surprise myself
*I love art, music, and anything creative
*Part of the reason for this blog is so that I can possibly post the pictures that I intend to take with my dad's old film camera
*It took me forever to title this blog, but this one made sense for 2 reasons:
1. My name means Jasmine Flower
2. I am forever growing and learning

Anyway... thanks for stopping by...

I hope your night is winding down as nicely as mine...